Accounting and Business Consulting
Our accounting, tax, audit, assurance, and consulting teams are well-versed in manufacturing. With an integrated service approach, we ensure advisory services are relevant and adaptable to each client’s business and market. Focused on increasing profits, we help manage working capital and develop strategies to reduce taxes.
We provide development application methods for manufacturing and non-manufacturing to manage overhead and evaluate costs. Sometimes, we may offer recommendations for alternative accounting and business strategies.
Manufacturing companies rely on efficient productivity and product specialization for profitability. Although labor productivity increased with computer systems, U.S. costs remain high, and many manufacturers continue to move production operations to lower-cost countries.
Almost all aspects of U.S. manufacturing are now automated. Manufacturing was the leading industry to use applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and enterprise services architecture (ESA). These technologies streamline business processes and reduce labor hours.
Fewer manufacturers produce items from raw materials to finished goods. As a result, most manufacturers make products for other manufacturers. To minimize investment in materials inventory, companies practice some form of just-in-time, or lean, manufacturing. This process requires carefully coordinating deliveries from suppliers to reduce raw materials inventory and coordinating deliveries to customers to minimize finished goods inventory.
Partners and managers are actively engaged with clients in delivering appropriate service. Client teams are comprised of certified public accountants and accounting specialists with extensive experience in manufacturing.